If you are interested in an easy and small budget Christmas decoration idea this DIY might be the right thing for you. I really like this tutorial because you do not need a lot of materials or tools.

The only three things you need are:

  • 7 paper bread bags
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Step by step tutorial:

Sorry, some of the instructions are in German, but I think the pictures will explain the steps by itself. It’s not too complicated.

One Pro-Tipp: If you are interested in the full Christmas experience have some cookies, hot chocolate or muled wine and put on some Christmas music. And if you are not into all the Christmas stuff, you can watch „Die Hard“. That works too. Have fun!

I used white paper bags (19×22 cm) but you can experiment with different sizes and colours. Brown paper bags look very nice too. It’s up to you and your taste.

To hang up the stars you can use yarn and a needle. I put three stars at the window and was lucky enough to find some nylon cord in my messy arts and crafts drawer.

If you put the paper stars above a heater, the stars will keep moving because they are very light. But I really like this effect, because they look like they are dancing. 🙂

By the way keep the stars away from candles or other fire, because you don’t want to roast your decoration.