For Christmas I like various styles of decorations: it can be silent minimalism or sparkling opulence. Maybe that’s because of my very first job. I worked as visual merchandiser in the fashion industry and the Christmas season was a very big thing as you can imagine. During that time decorating was mainly work for me and I did not appreciate it so much in private but years later I really enjoy to decorate my home as well. My style is very simple. I like to use natural elements like paper, straw, hemp, fir or eucalypt. The big benefit is the nice aroma that makes you feel festive.
In Germany we have the tradition to hang up an „Adventskalender“ (Advent calendar). It starts at the first of December and you will find 24 little surprises till Christmas eve. That is a nice celebration of the Christmas countdown for kids and adults as well.
This year my DIY project included also some watercolour illustrations. I painted some leaves and wreaths and chose some cool green tones to match the eucalypt and fir. After painting I cut the paper into small pieces to write down the numbers. The rest of the painted paper was used as name tags for some Christmas presents.